Budynek ANK ul. Sienna 16 w Krakowie
They are the successor of the National Archives of Land Records in Krakow, operating from 1878 (later the State Archives in Krakow), as well as the Krakow Town Archives of Former Records, which existed in the years 1887–1952. The resources of the National Archives in Krakow consist of over 25 kilometres of records. This includes archival records dating from the twelfth century until modern times, and is one of the largest and most valuable in the country. The Archives are still open and collect materials handed over by state and local government institutions, societies, registry offices, economic institutions and private individuals, mainly from the area of Małopolska. In addition to a few branches in Krakow, there are also local branches in: Bochnia, Nowy Sącz and Tarnow, as well as expositions in Nowy Targ and Spytkowice. Besides collecting, safeguarding and providing access to archival materials, the task of the National Archives in Krakow is supervision of the establishment and storage of documentation as well as conservation work. The Archives also conduct scientific and publishing work in the areas of history and archiving, popularise knowledge about archival materials and undertake educational and informational activities. Currently, new headquarters at 22 Rakowicka Street are under construction. The building will meet modern standards for storing, safeguarding and providing access to documentation.
Projekt nowego budynku Archiwum Narodowego w Krakowie. Autor Pracownie Konserwacji Zabytków “Arkona” Sp. z o.o.
In 2013, the “Construction of the Headquarters of the National Archives in Krakow” investment began. The building is being constructed in a strategic area in the centre of Krakow (Rakowicka 22), and will be of key importance for the balanced functioning of the new centre of Krakow, which is moving in this direction. In June 2015, the architectural concept of the new headquarters of the National Archives in Krakow was chosen in a competition. The investment is expected to be completed in 2021.