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For 24 years, the editorial team of the “Krakow Archival Annual” have provided access to columns of writing of experienced researchers and those who have just begun their scientific career.

The first volume of the “Krakow Archival Annual” was published in 1995 on the initiative of the director of the Archives, Dr. Sławomir Radoń, as a reminder of the former publishing tradition of Krakow archives from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The Annual includes materials showing the history of Krakow and Małopolska as well as those connected with archiving.

In 2019, the 24nd volume of the “Krakow Archival Annual” was published and, like all the previous volumes, is also available online in the Małopolska Digital Library.

Detailed information about the Annual can be found at www.kra.ank.gov.pl.